The court case for John West Vs Lily Morgan is coming up this coming Friday 2/7/25 at 3:30PM.
There are six allegations in the main recall petition. All six of these allegations can be proven false. One easy example of a “false statement” is in allegation 3 of the recall, as seen below.
“Allegation 3: “West has shown a pattern of violating state laws, including campaign finance regulations and public meeting laws, and is currently facing several pending ethics and labor law violations.”
- “violate state law, including campaign finance regulations and public meeting laws…”
- There is No proof that John West has violated state law, including campaign finance regulations and public meeting laws
- There have been 18 ethic charges against John West, 16 have been dismissed and the last two will be heard in a month or so.
- You can’t submit a recall petition under false statements than hope to prove them correct afterwards.
- If there is no proof of those allegations, it is a false statement (a felony).
As seen in the recall manual;
“* The factual information provided in the chief petitioner’s statement must be true. A remedy for
providing false information is to file an action in circuit court under ORS 260.532.
- Supplying false information may result in a felony conviction with a fine of up to $125,000 and/or a
prison sentence of up to 5 years. ORS 260.715, 260.993 - Paid circulators for a state recall petition must register with the Elections Division. The Chief Petitioner and any circulators must review the Circulator’s Manual prior to circulating.