Comment on the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality’s (DEQ) Extreme Environmental Agenda. 

Comment on the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality’s (DEQ) extreme environmental agenda. The Climate Protection Program (CPP) will cause energy bills to skyrocket for our families, businesses, hospitals, and schools. Despite warnings from energy providers and invalidation by state courts, the DEQ is pushing forward with this program anyway. 

Now, it’s up to us to stop these unelected bureaucrats from ignoring the rule of law and forcing hardworking Oregonians to pay even more to heat homes and businesses across the state! You only have until 4 pm tomorrow (Friday, 9/26/24, 4:00 pm) to make your voice heard. Click below to send a message to the DEQ now telling them their extreme agenda is too expensive for Oregon! 

Click the button below to send a pre-written message, urging the DEQ not to make our lives more expensive! We are facing historically high inflation and are paying obscene prices for groceries, and we don’t need unelected bureaucrats raising our energy costs! The CPP was even invalidated by the courts late last year, yet they are forcing the program through anyway. This program will increase costs on your natural gas bill and will hurt industries who rely on the fuel to run our state economy. 

Tell DEQ that Oregonians can’t afford their program.
🕫 Keep Energy Costs Low. Sign here.
Read the Executive Summary here.