Proposed purchased of property by MINT

Attention Grants Pass Mayor and City Council and GP Major Elect Clint Scherff, City Council elect Indra Nicholas, Victoria Marshall, Eric Schoegl, and Kathleen Krohn,

I must express serious concerns about the proposal to purchase a property for $750,000 for MINT to operate a shelter.

This building is NOT worth $750,000.

Have any of you been inside this building? It’s a dilapidated, old, and worn-out structure with modified HVAC systems. The price tag does not align with its actual condition. I encourage you to:

  1. Check the square footage.
  2. Review the average commercial rate per square foot in our area.
  3. Then cut it in half to reflect its true value.

This is not a sound purchase for the City of Grants Pass.

Candice Kaiser