Vice President Kamala Harris has tried to portray her upbringing as “middle class” and even working class

Contributor: Frank Schneider


Vice President Kamala Harris has tried to portray her upbringing as “middle class” and even working class — touting a summer job at McDonald’s and claiming to be from Oakland, a blue-collar city with a large black population.

For example, during a recent interview with Oprah Winfrey, Harris said, “I grew up a child of a mother who worked very hard. She raised me and my sister and she saved up. And by the time I was a teenager, she was able to buy a home.” Skip To: However, a close look at her childhood shows that Harris and her younger sister grew up with many opportunities that many “middle class” children do not have, such as living abroad, private school education, and growing up in some of the wealthiest locales in the world. On August 31, she described herself as “a daughter of Oakland, California, who was raised by a working mother and had a summer job at McDonald’s.” While she was born in the Kaiser Hospital in Oakland, at the time, her graduate school parents lived in Berkeley, California — a predominantly white, liberal elite enclave in the San Francisco Bay Area home to UC Berkeley, one of the top public universities in the world. In fact, that is where her “working mother” — the daughter of an Indian diplomat — and father met as graduate students. Harris’s own father even wrote that Kamala was “born” in Berkeley. MORE Detail on Kamala “Po-Me” Harris: